Mountain Bracelets

Mnb1 – 1″ Wide band with Yellow mountains on Silver
The Start…
This is the first mountain Bracelet I created in 1998 ( 9 ) when a customer suggested a gold on silver cuff with this theme. The end pieces became the first mountain rings made.
As far as I know THE ORIGINAL Mountain Bracelet designed.
I have challenged anyone to show me a similar mountain bracelet design that was created before 1998. ( I saved a sealed document with all my designs every year since 1987 ) No one has responded. As far as I know every mountain design was ‘ inspired ‘ from my designs . With the advent and use of laser and computer assisted design outdoor scenes, wildlife scenes and intricate landscapes were developed after our original designs. It seems as soon as the market gets ahold of a person’s intellectual or artistic property then all bets are off for credit or compensation.
So it goes for us who break new ground and are inspired to create unique art.
Flattery ??? possibly….

Matching Rings possible