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Diamonds Information
We use Only Ideal and Fancy cut
VS1-2 with G/H color or better
Diamonds – chart and information for the 4 C’s, cut, clarity, carat and color. We use only VS1-2 G/H color or better with our smaller stones and hopefully for our customers larger requests. I prefer brilliance and color before carat size. We sell round radiant oval marquise pear heart emerald and princess cuts
The L to Z categories are sometimes called ‘ brown’ or ‘champagne ‘ color diamonds. What should a company do if they were mining a lot of brown diamonds but couldn’t sell them? …. they have 2 choices, send them into the industrial sector, ( diamond tipped drill bits etc ) or convince people that they are beautiful ( and jack up the price ).
I guess it’s called marketing but ‘champagne ‘ diamonds sure made a big hit in the early 2000’s didn’t they ?
Thanks to DeBeers , who controlled the diamond market for years , I have a nicely cut ‘champagne ‘ diamond I bought for $300 but is now worth a few Thousand…
First, I should say that none of the prices listed below for larger gems are ‘written in stone’.
This is only a rough guide.
Prices fluctuate greatly and there are always ‘sales’ for overstocked items….so email for prices.
All grades color and quality are available.
As mentioned previously De Beers once controlled the diamond market, and still do to a certain amount. They once conned the world into buying diamonds since ‘ They are a girls best friend ‘ and they made it standard to have a diamond ring when getting married. It was all a marketing ploy in order to sell this gemstone that they found in South Africa in the 1800’s.
The ten largest diamond mines in the world by measurable reserves contain more than one billion carats of recoverable diamonds. Russia is home to half of the world’s biggest diamond mines, while Botswana houses two; including the world’s largest diamond producing mine Orapa. Diamonds are present in about 35 countries. South Africa, Russia and Botswana are the main producers of gem diamond while Australia produces most of the industrial diamond. They are also found in India, Russia, Siberia, Brazil, China, Canada and the United States.
.30 Pear and CGA certificate sample that comes with each Canadian Snow Flake or Polar Bear Diamond we sell.
There is another sample of a .30ct diamond here.
Cut Samples – an anatomy
Clarity samples
Colour Samples

Light Deflection
Depending on your computer this chart is pretty close to actual color.
These next 2 pictures are NOT to scale….
….but a 1 carat diamond is about the size of a standard yellow pencil eraser.
These pictures may not be to scale. It depends on your computer or device settings.
Email Us for more information and pricing on Diamonds
Use the ‘Contact’ button….
Colour Samples
- .01 to .05ct ( 1 to 5 points) are $32 a point
- .06 to .08ct ( 6 to 8 points) are $34 a point
- .09 ct and higher email for prices
- ex: for a .02ct diamond - add $64
- .02 ct = 2 points total
- 2 times $32 = $64 total
To figure cost...
- ex: for a .02ct diamond - add $64
.02 ct = 2 points total
2 times $32 = $64 total
- roughly ...semi precious are in $20 to $45 range
- precious, Ruby, Sapphire and Emeralds from $20-
up depending on size and quality.
- add $50 to $200 depending on stone chip used.
Email for prices |